The main Romanesque features that can be seen along the Oliba trail are:
Santa Maria Basilica Collegiate of Manresa
The See is one of the most representative examples of the Catalan Gothic and it is also a symbol of the Bages district capital, work of Berenguer de Montagut. The Cathedral is also of great interest for the works of art preserved in the interior, especially the set of Gothic altarpieces.
Museu Comarcal de Manresa
The Regional Museum of Manresa is an institution at the society’s service, which aim is to preserve, study and spread the knowledge of the historical and the artistic patrimony of Manresa and Bages region.
Monastery of Santa Maria de l’Estany
It is situated where, more than 900 years ago, a canon comunity decided to settled to follow the rules of Saint Agustí. It became the parrish of Santa Maria de l’Estany more than three decades ago. At present what remains is the church as well as the museum rooms andthe extraordinary Romanesque cloister, a jewel of the religious sculpture in international terms.
The Episcopal Museum of Vic
the Episcopal Museum of Vic holds a magnificent collection of Romanesque paintings and sculpture master pieces, and works from the Catalan gothic epoch.
The Monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres
Sant Pere de Casserres is one of the most important buildings of Catalan Romanesque architecture. Concretely it belonged to the Benedict order of Osona.
The Monastery of Ripoll
the monastery of Santa Maria was founded around 879 by count Guifré el Pilós (Wilfred the Hairy). It was fundamental in the development of Romanesque architecture. Its restoration between 1863 and 1893 mark the period of plenitude and then the end of the Catalan renaissance movement.
The Monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses
The monastery was founded around 885 by the count Guifré el Pilós and destined for his daughter Emma. It profoundly influenced the life of the village.
The importance of its library, archives and the book of songs of the trobadors, Catalan medieval poets, bear witness to the important cultural life in the monastery.
Santa Maria Basilica Collegiate of Manresa
The Monastery of Santa Maria de l’Estany
The Episcopal Museum of Vic
The Monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres
The Monastery of Sant Joan de les Abadesses