The main Romanesque features that can be seen along the Oliba trail are:
- Adress: Baixada de la Seu, 1, 08242 Manresa
- Contact: +34 938 72 15 12|

The See is one of the most representative examples of the Catalan Gothic and it is also a symbol of the Bages district capital, work of Berenguer de Montagut. The Cathedral is also of great interest for the works of art preserved in the interior, especially the set of Gothic altarpieces.
Guided tour : 6€
Entrance feel: 4€
Reduced entrance fee (students, senior citizens and local citizens): 2€
Free for under 16-year-olds.
Opening times:
Workdays: from 10.45AM to 1.30 PM and 4.00 PM to 7 PM.
Weekends and holidays from 10.45AM to 2.00PM and 5.00PM to 7.00PM
A guided tour is available every Saturday at 11.00AM
- Adress: Pl. del Monestir, 2, 08148 L’Estany, Barcelona
- Contact: 938 30 30 40 |

It is situated where, more than 900 years ago, a canon comunity decided to settled to follow the rules of Saint Agustí. It became the parrish of Santa Maria de l’Estany more than three decades ago. At present what remains is the church as well as the museum rooms andthe extraordinary Romanesque cloister, a jewel of the religious sculpture in international terms.
Entrance fees:
General fee: 3.50€
Reduced fee: (for the retired, unemployed, disabled, teachers, students and walkers): 3€
Reduced fee for groups of more than 15 people: 2,50€
Under 12-year-olds: free
Opening times:
From Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00AM to 14.00AM
Guided visit for groups: information and bookings (00) (34) 93 830 30 40
- Adress: Plaça del Bisbe Oliba, 3, 08500 Vic, Barcelona
- Contact: +34 938 869 360 | |

MEV.Medieval Art Museum holds a magnificent collection of Romanesque paintings and sculpture master pieces, and works from the Catalan gothic epoch.
Entrance fee:
Entrada individual – 8 €
Yearly fee– 12 € (Free entrance during a year from the date of purchase).
Reduced fee for groups- 5 € (From 15 people up)
Reduced fee – 5 € (Retired and unemployed people, children and teenagers between 10 and 18 years old, the disabled including the carer, holders of student cards, ‘carnet jove’ holders, holders of ‘familia nombrosa’ (more than three children) or ‘single parent’ card holders, and holders of the TV3 club card TR3SC.
Free entrance (Under 10 year-olds, membres of ICOM and the Association of Museologists, the first Thursday of every month (except holidays and local festivities), the 18th of May (International day of Museums), the 5th of July (Vic’s town festival), students (with accredited investigation studies, the MEV staff, Civil servant teachers and professors who work for the Catalan government, The Generalitat of Catalonia, Friends of the National Museum of Art of Catalunya and accredited journalists.
General fee – 3 €
Ticket for main museum + temporary exhibition. – 8 €
Ticket for reduced free for main museum + temporary exhibition.– 5 €
Opening times:
From Tuesday to Friday from 10AM to 7PM (April to September).
From Tuesday to Friday from 10AM to 1PM and from 3PM to 6PM (October to March).
Saturday from 10AM to 7PM
Sunday and local or national holidays (10AM to 2PM)
The museum closes on Mondays; the 1st and 6th of January; Easter Monday and the 25th and 26th of December. Tickets are on sale up to half an hour before closing time.
- Adress: Carretera, BV-5213, 08510 Masies de Roda, Barcelona
- Contact: +34 937 447 118 | 608 892 200 | |

Sant Pere de Casserres is one of the most important buildings of Catalan Romanesque architecture. Concretely it belonged to the Benedict order of Osona.
Entrance fee:
Standard 5 €
Reduced 3 €
Reduced – school groups 2€
Free 0€
Opening times:
01/02 – 30/04: From Wednesday to Saturday from 11:00 to 16:30. Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00.
01/05 – 14/07: From Wednesday to Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00. Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00.
15/07 – 14/09: From Wednesday to Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00. Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00.
15/09 – 30/12: From Wednesday to Saturday from 11:00 to 16:30. Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00.
Tickets are sold up to 30 minutes before closure.
- Adress: Plaça Abat Oliba,s/n – 17500 Ripoll, Girona
- Contact:+34 972 704 203 | |

The monastery of Santa Maria was founded around 879 by count Guifré el Pilós (Wilfred the Hairy). It was fundamental in the development of Romanesque architecture. Its restoration between 1863 and 1893 mark the period of plenitude and then the end of the Catalan renaissance movement.
Summer (From April 1 to September 30)
Morning: from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.; Afternoon: from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Sundays and public holidays: from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
From July 15 to August 31: Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Winter (From October 1 to March 30)
Morning: from 10.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.; Afternoon: from 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm; Sundays and public holidays: from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Christmas Holidays
December 25 and 26 and January 1 and 6: CLOSED
December 24 and 31 and January 5: From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Tickets will be sold until 15 minutes before closing.
Guided tour every Saturday and every Sunday at 12:00
The schedule of visits may vary depending on the celebrations.
We recommend prior reservation: 972 704203
Entry prices
General admission: 7.50 euros
Retired people: 5.50 euros
Young people (up to 25 years): 5.50 euros
Children from 5 to 18 years: 3.50 euros
Children under 5: Free
Unemployed: 5.50 euros
Residents in Ripoll: Free
Accompanying residents of Ripoll: 5.50 euros
Large family or single parent: 5.50 euros
Free for Club Super3 card holders
Other rates for schools and groups here
- Adress: Pl. de l’Abadia, s/n – 17860 Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Girona
- Contact:+34 972 722 353 | |

The monastery was founded around 885 by the count Guifré el Pilós and destined for his daughter Emma. It profoundly influenced the life of the village.
The importance of its library, archives and the book of songs of the trobadors, Catalan medieval poets, bear witness to the important cultural life in the monastery.
Entrance fee:
Standard entrance fee: 3€
Reduced Entrance fee (groups, school children and retired people) : 2€
Free entry for children under 12s.
Opening times:
November, December, January and February: Weekdays from 10AM to 2PM. Saturdays and local and national holidays from 10AM to 2PM and 4PM to 6PM.
March, April and October: Weekdays, Saturdays and local and national holidays from 10AM to 2PM and 4PM to 6PM.
May, June and September: Weekdays, Saturdays and local and national holidays from 10AM to 2PM and 4PM to 7PM.