Below you will find information about the activities located next to Camí Oliba, which follows the route from Montserrat in the direction of Ripolles. To book, please contact them directly.

Route of aviation field. Vilatorta Airfield

The route of the airfield Vilatorta is formed through the remains of the old airfield, with a total of 13 shelters, a hangar and a gunpowder arsenal.
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Performing tour "Owners, servants and love stories at Balç Street "

Discover how was the medieval city of Manresa and all that happened in one of its busiest street, Balç Street
Town: Manresa
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Medieval dinner with performance

A walk through a unique inner street with a medieval origin and learning the secrets of the gold century of Manresa. Afterwards, a dinner inspired in the medieval Catalan cuisine will be served
Town: Manresa
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Guided tour in the Basilica of Seu de Manresa

Completed guided tour in the Basilica of Seu.
Town: Manresa
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Visit The Cave of Sant Ignasi de Loiola

Some legends tell how saint Ignasi de Loiola went off in one of these typical caves close to Manresa and with frontal views to Montserrat mountain.
Town: Manresa
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Technical Museum of Manresa

MThe museum wants to explain the importance of the water and, concretely, the irrigation canal which from the 14th century takes the water to the city of Manresa
Town: Manresa
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Free entrance at the Water Centre in Can Font

Come and visit the permanent exhibitions: The rational use of the water and The water in the city, and the hermitage: Water Sounds.
Town: Manresa
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Visit the Sèquia Park in Manresa

Come and visit the permanent exhibition in the Visitors Centre and watch the audiovisual from The Irrigation Canal
Town: Man
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Learn about the cellar and the castle of Oller del Mas

Enjoy a tasting of ecological wine and oil.
Town: Manresa
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Guided tour ghrough the Cellar "Celler Cooperatiu d'Artés"

Guided tour thourgh the cellar and cavas "Celler Cooperatiu d'Artés" with a tasting of 6 wine and cavas and local products
Town: Artés
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Guided visit: Discover the Salt Mountain

Fes una visita guiada al Parc Cultural de la Muntanya de Sal a Cardona i dina en un restaurant de municipi
Town: Cardona
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Guided tour "Manresa, heart of Catalonia"

Discover "Manresa, Heart of Catalonia"; a route that leads us to the Basilica of la Seu, the historic center of Manresa, the Balç street and the modernist and commercial area of the city.
Town: Manresa
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Medieval experience at the monastery

We offer you a journey through a thousand years of history, where we will discover the monastery’s most important rooms.
Town: Sant Fruitós de Bages
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Route of modernist noucentist architecture of Miquel Pallàs

The route stops in front of a large number of buildings, from which you can follow the explanations about these architectural movements
Town: Sant Julià de Vilatorta
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Guided visit to the Monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres

Visit one of the most important Romanesque monuments in the region
Town: Les Masies de Roda
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Visit to Rupit, village integrated in the landscape

A guided tour through the historic center of Rupit where you will be explained about its history, anecdotes and legends.
Town: Rupit
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Get to know the Life of Village in Vidrà

Want to know the world of the shepherd and the sheep, the world of cattle and cows, the process of preparation of sausages, or of bread baked with wood accompanied by a person from Vidrà?
Town: Vidrà
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Guided tour in Montesquiu Castle

Montesquieu Castle together with the surrounding gardens, exemplifies the protected territory of Castle Montesquieu Parc.
Town: Montesquiu
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Medieval route through Museu Episcopal de Vic

Guided visit for the museum visitors, related to art, culture and the costums of Medieval Age.
Town: Vic
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A Romanesque tour through Museu Episcopal de Vic

Diiscover the museum’s collection of medieval art and walk up the highest Romanesque bell tower in Catalonia
Town: Vic
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Ar&Gastronomy - MEV + Riera Ordeix

Enjoy a city that has been able to combine the traditions of the past with a 21st century offer of art and gastronomy.
Town: Vic
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Guided tour in Tavèrnoles

Visit the Sant Esteve church, one of the examples of romanesque art connected to the Cathedral of Sant Pere in Vic, and the natural space of Guilleries-Savassona
Town: Tavèrnoles
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Guided tour of the historical centre of Vic

city walls, Roman temple, City Hall, paintings by Josep Maria Sert... and short tour of the central nave of the cathedral and of the main collection of the Episcopal Museum.
Town: Vic
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Visit the Verdaguer House Museum

The Verdaguer House Museum, the childhood home of Jacint Verdaguer, contains elements that enable visitors to understand and interpret the poet’s legacy, which laid the groundwork for the literary language in modern Catalonia.
Town: Folgueroles
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Ripoll, cradle of Catalunya

Discover the history of the cradle of Catalunya while enjoying a fascinating visit through the Monastery of Ripoll
Town: Ripoll
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Sant Joan de les Abadesses, the Romanesque jewel

Visit one of the most important monuments from the Catalan Romanesque and discover the cloister from the ancient residence of the abbots.
Town: Sant Joan de les Abadesses
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Molló Parc | Animals

Free visit on the Pyrenees animals and vegation observation
Town: Molló
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Molló Parc | Adventures

Circuits between the trees: bridges and zip wires
Town: Molló
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