The Oliba trail is a waymarked long-distance footpath that takes you through the counties of El Bages, Osona and El Ripollès with the common thread of this extraordinary man called Oliba who was a count and then first Abbot and then Bishop in the 13th century.
Of all the different tendencies and styles of art and architecture to the present day, the most widespread, without a doubt, is the Romanesque style. The counties of El Bages, Osona and El Ripollès are trustworthy witnesses to this vast heritage. Most of the villages and towns along the way have a church or building in this style. Romanesque art is therefore what unites and gives sense to this initiative.
Romanesque art is the integrating factor of Central Catalonia and gives shape both to the historic strive to repopulate and present need of rebalancing the landscape, as well as the added appreciation of what this land has to offer: its food, traditions and the resulting hospitality services and establishments that welcome the hiker to inside Catalonia.