The tiny village of Molló has always been a pass over the mountains right back to Celtic and Roman times. The village of Espinavell, only a few kilometres away, is a pastoral terraced village consisting of steep streets flanked by stone houses.
The trail through Molló and over the border is a Pyreneen pathway, and goes through common mountain pastureland used over the centuries to graze the herds of the valley villages. This ancient pathway with wonderful views takes us to the end of the trail (Les Basses de Puigsec) and which the Bishop and Abbot Oliba would have used in his time.
+ información:

Panoramic views through Molló
©Alícia Guillaumes

Church of Santa Cecília de Molló
©Alícia Guillaumes

Landscapes of Molló
©Alícia Guillaumes