The peacefulness and magnificent surroundings of Vallfogona de Ripollès makes it an essential stopping point. The tiny village has a well-preserved medieval nucleus with stone-paved streets and houses dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries, many restored, with ancient doorways and balconies.
If you follow the GR151, you can climb up to the remains of the 9th century Milany Castle, walking over a medieval bridge built in the 14th century and past the Font de la Tosca (spring).
Camprodon, is located in the middle of the Camprodon valley and has always attracted visitors. One of the most popular sites is the Pont Nou (New bridge) and the Monastery of Sant Pere (Saint Peter), both built in the 12th century. It also has two beautiful little villages nearby to visit: Beget and Rocabruna.

Vallfogona de Ripollès

La Tosca Source

The Castle of Milany